
中国园蛛7新种(蛛形纲:蜘蛛目) 被引量:1

摘要 报道了我国园蛛科7新种,即:云南园蛛Araneus yunnanensis、景洪金蛛Argiopejing hongensis、长垂驼蛛Cyphalonolus elongalus、石门壮头蛛Chorizopes shimenensis、勐海曲腹蛛Cyrlarachne menghaiensis 、文山肥蛛Larinia wenshanensis 和十字亮腹蛛Singa cruciformis。 The present paper reports seven new species of Araneidae from China,they are: Argiope jing hong ensis, Araneus yunnanensis,Cyphanlonotus elong atus,Chorizopes shimenensis, Cyrtarachne meng haiensis,Larinia wenshanensis and Singa cruciformis. All type specimens are deposited in Hunan Biology Research Institute. Measurements are in millimeters. Araneus yunnanensissp. nov. figs. 1 - 5Holotype ,total length 2. 50,cephalothorax 1. 10×0. 65;abdomen 1. 45×0. 95. Leg formula: 1, 4 , 2,3. Paratype 2 , Yunnan Province (21. 9°N , 100. 4°E). August 15,1981,by Wang JiafuThe shape of carapace and the structure of epigynum is similar to Gen. Chorizopes. It differs from the latter by the shape of abdomen,such as lacking tubercles on abdomen etc. ,by the arrangement of eyes. Also does this new species resemble Araneus henanensis (Hu et Wang , 1991) , but vulva and abdominal pattern unlike. Argiope jing hong ensis sp. nov. figs. 6 - 9Holotype ,Jinghong County (22°N , 100. 8°E) .Yunnan Province,October 21- 23,1987,by Wang Jiafu.Total length:3. 70,cephalothorax 2.10×1. 90,abdcmen 1.90×1.50. Leg formula: 1,2,4, 3.The palpal organ resembles A . aethera (Walckenaer, 1841) (Levi, 1983,figs. 308,309),it can be distinguished from the latter by the structure of embolus and conductor,as well as median apophysis Cyphalonotus elong atussp. nov. figs. 10-13 Holotype ,Lin County (26. 5°N , 113. 8°E) , Hunan Province, July 29,1973,by Yin Chang-min.Total length 8. 80,cephalothorax 4. 00×2. 70;abdomen 6. 00×4. 70,height 5. 00. Leg formula:1 ,2,4,3.This new species differs from the related species C. benoiti Archer , 1965 (Archer, 1965:79, figs, 1 - 2) as follows:1. The abdominal shape and arrangement of tubercles on abdomen. 2. The shape of scape,the former longer and twig-shaped,the latter shorter and spindle-shaped. Chorizopes shimenensis Yin et Peng sp.nov. figs. 14 - 17Holotype ,Shimen County (29. 6°N , 111. 4°E),June 27,1992,by Peng XianjinTotal length 4. 80,cephalothorax 2.00×1. 55, abdomen 2.80×2. 20. Leg formuia:4,2,1, 3.The appearance of this new species is very similsr to that of C. dicavus Yin(?). , 1990. However, their epigynal structure is obviously unlike. The spermatheca of this new (?) monocham-ber,that of the latter two-chamber. Cyrtarachne menghaiensis sp. nov. figs. 18- 21Holotype ,Menghai County(21. 9°N,100. 4°E),Yunnan Province March 31, 1981,by Wang JiafuTotal length 2. 20. cephalothorax 1.00×1.00;abdomen 1.20×1.70. Leg formula:1,2, 4 , 3.The appearance is similar to the male of Cyrtarachne yunoruensis Strand, 1917. It can be distinguished from the latter by the structure of palpal organ,by the arrangement of tubercles on posterior end of abdomen. Larinia wenshanensis Yin et Yan sp. no . figs. 22 26Holotype ,Wenshan County (23. 4°N,104. 3°E) ,September 12,1987,by Yan Hengmei.Total length 5. 00,cephalothorax 2. 00×1. 25iabdomen 3. 10×1. 10. Leg formula :1,2,4 ,3.The appearance and median apophysis resemble L. argiopiformis Bosenberg et Strand ,1906. It differs from the latter by the shape of median apophysis ; by the distal end of embolus, the latter's cap-shaped,the formers not as above. Sing a cruciformissp. nov. figs. 27-31Holotype ,Allotype ,Paratype 2 , (vulva lost)Mengla County (21. 5°N , 101. 5°E) , Yunnan Province,August 12,1983,by Wang Jiafu.Total length: 1.90-2. 65( ). Holotype: total length 2. 40,cephalothorax: 0. 93×0. 80;abdomen 1. 40×1. 14. Leg formula:4,1,2,3. Allotype total length 2. 07,cephalothorax 0.87×0.74; abdomen 1.21×0. 60. Leg formula:1,2,43.The differences between this new species and related species S.alpigena Yin et Wang,1983 in the pattern on abdomen,the spermatheca and direction of copulatory canals as well as median apophysis.
出处 《蛛形学报》 1994年第2期104-112,共9页 Acta Arachnologica Sinica
关键词 蜘蛛目 园蛛科 新种 Araneae Araneidae New species
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