
试析利他行为的不同类型及其原因 被引量:21

Analysis of the Different Types of Altruistic Behavior and Its Reason
摘要 利他行为可区分为软利他行为和硬利他行为。软利他行为可以用人的利己心解释,而硬利他行为则否。硬利他行为又可以分为有限硬利他行为和无限硬利他行为,有限硬利他行为服从边际效用递减率,而无限硬利他行为则否。无限硬利他行为的形成与进化无法单纯用个体之间的竞争来解释,它是人类在个体之间和群体之间多个层次的竞争当中的适应性行为,是在多层竞争中形成与进化的,是多层竞争选择的结果。 There are some dimensionalities of altruistic behavior: Purity, whether the motivation is pure altruism or self-regard; Degree, whether the help is of his all or not; Extent, whether he supplies help for all men or not; Frequency, whether he does often or not. From the point of purity, there are two types of altruistic behavior, one is soft altruism, whose genuine motivation is wishing to get the benefaction for the future from the one who had received help from himself ago, and it results in building a mutual-benefit system of cognation or non-cognation between men. The other is hard altruism, that’s to say, people gain satisfaction not from the someone’s benefaction who was once received help from himself but from the altruistic behavior itself. From the point of degree, hard altruistic behavior can also be separated into two types: limited (moderate) hard altruistic behavior and infinite (thorough) hard altruistic behavior. The former obey the rule of descending marginal utility, therefore, from the point of evolvement, it can’t decrease does’ existent adaptability. The latter does not obey the rule of descending marginal utility but increasing one, then the condition of maximum utility lies on putting all his scarce resource to altruistic behavior. So it will descend individual adaptability, even victimize individual survival, and it results the Darwin-Jam. How can it come into being, come through and evolve by the process of natural selection? Altruistic behavior is often considered to have relationship with sympathy and moral culture. Father, someone’s sympathy and moral culture often point to special kind of human not to all. So from the broad sense sympathy and moral action have relation with self-identity. From the point of extent, the man who gives the benefaction generally thinks that the man who receives his benefaction is of the same category. Why do men have the self-identity based on the sympathy and moral culture? From the point of individual, may be it has relation with gene. As infest animal, if he doesn`t have any self-identity and will not do any victimization for anyone, it has much difficulty to inherit his gene probably in the process of evolvement, because no one will become his consort. In the other extreme, if he has self-identity too extensive and too strong and helps everyone of his all, the rate of survival must be very low and it also has difficulty to inherit his gene probably. Most of the people have certain scope of self-identity, and the extent of altruistic behavior depends on the scope and object of self-identity, which often has the most strong core and then descends as scope broadening step by step. The degree of altruistic behavior lies on the degree that the one received benefaction is identified by the one gives the benefaction, and they have positive relation. The descending sequence of different people’s self-identity from strong to weak is often different, many people put relative and friends in a more important position, then neighbor, estate, class, nation, country, race and so on.Considered from the point of extent, the most frequently altruistic behavior is to relative first, then to special beneficial non-relative, and last to universal men.Considered from the point of degree, the most frequent relative altruistic behavior is infinite hard altruistic behavior, then to special beneficially non-relative, and last to universal men. The scope and object of self-identity, the descending sequence of self-identity and the degree that he will do for the object he approbated have relation with the culture and tradition of his living environment, that`s to say, it has relation with family education that he received from childhood, school education, social living record of himself. From the point of society, what needs answer is why it can form such culture and tradition, family education and school education, which enable some one to come into being self-identity, sympathy and moral culture. And in the living culture of every nation, there is praise for non-relative altruistic behavior, which will cause the altruistic behavior of someone with self-identity, and the different scope and degree has relation with his different living record. The culture and tradition of such praise for non-relative altruistic behavior can explain individual hard altruistic behavior, especially infinite hard altruistic behavior; while competition and conflict between different nations can explain the form of such culture and tradition. So we need explain one’s non-relative hard altruistic behavior, especially infinite hard altruistic behavior from two lays: gene and culture. Gene lay determines that most of the people have certain self-identity and form the physiological basis of altruistic behavior, while the scope and object, descending sequence of self-identity and the degree of willing victimize for the people of the same category is determined by culture and tradition. The competition between individual and colony makes someone who mixes self-regard and altruism pro rate and his colony have more adaptability in multiple competition.
作者 张旭昆
机构地区 浙江大学经济系
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2005年第4期13-21,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 利他行为 软利他 硬利他 有限硬利他 无限硬利他 多层竞争 适者生存 altruistic behavior soft altruism hard altruism limited hard altruism infinite hard altruism multile competition existent from adaptability
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