
民办院校学生教育管理探讨 被引量:1

An exploration into the educational management of students in private universities
摘要 民办院校由于师资结构和水平、学生素质和教学条件等不同于公办院校,其学生教育管理的规律需要探索和研究。通过实例分析了民办院校学生的优点及不足,在此基础上提出了要以人为本,热爱学生;坚持正面教育,积极疏导;宽严适度,科学管理;从点滴入手,注意养成教育等教育管理思路。另外,还提出了严把招生关,确保生源质量;确立分层次的教学目标;建设素质高、能力强的班主任队伍和教书育人水平高的教师队伍;构建学校、家庭、社会三位一体的育人体系等教育管理措施。 As the faculty structure and academic levels, the student quality and teaching conditions in private universities are different from those in public universities, the regularities of educational management of students in private universities need to be explored and studied. The authors of this paper illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of students in private universities. On this basis, the authors come up with the ideas of educational management, i.e. putting student at the first important place and showing deep love for students, adhering to positive education, directing students in an active way, having reasonable proportion of leniency and strictness, conducting scientific management, emphasizing the development of students' good habit. Besides, the authors also work out some measures of educational management, namely, applying a tight check on student enrollment so as to guarantee the quality of student sources, establishing teaching goals to educate students at different levels, setting up a team of class advisers with high quality and great ability and a qualified faculty team who can both teach and cultivate students, constructing a trinity cultivation system with the combination of school, family and society.
作者 张力 李德胜
出处 《西安欧亚学院学报》 2005年第3期48-54,共7页 Journal of xi‘an Eurasia University
关键词 民办高校 学生 教育管理 思路 方法 private university student educational management train of thoughts measure
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