
抗拒与吸引 对立与融合——对《欲望号街车》中布兰琪悲剧命运的再思考 被引量:7

抗拒与吸引 对立与融合——对《欲望号街车》中布兰琪悲剧命运的再思考
摘要 大多数评论都将《欲望号街车》中布兰琪的悲剧归结为现代社会里各种野蛮残忍的势力对温柔、敏感和优雅的摧毁,而缺乏从心理层次对人物悲剧命运的深层思考。本文拟就分析《欲》中的名称、空间和某些具体意象的象征意义的模糊性和流动性揭示布兰琪悲剧命运的根源在于否定自身的双重性,偏执地抗拒心灵的对立物/人。 Most critics ascribed the Blanchean tragedy in “A Streetcar Named Desire” to the collapse of thegenteel, sensitive and elegant in a world of barbarianism, without a probe into the character’s psychological crisis thatleads to her final breakdown. This paper, a study of the ambiguity and fluidity of name symbols, space symbols andsymbolic images, attempts to show that Blanchean tragedy lies in her failure to accept the duality of her character andher blind repelling against her opposite Stanley and the culture he represents.
作者 彭娜
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2005年第3期30-33,共4页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
关键词 悲剧 象征 模糊性 流动性 双重性 tragedy symbol ambiguity f luidity duality
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