By establishing the remote administration system at the website, Editorial Dept. of the Journal can work at home and working at other places. The principal sheet of the remote office consists of functional departments such as office, meeting room, guest room, reading room, financial office, advertisement department, distribution department, etc. Among them, office consists of chief editor's office and editors' office. Chief editor may hold meetings periodically at the meeting room and editors can make an appointment to meet writers and readers at the guest room. All the regular letters such as manuscript invitation letters, manuscript revision letters and letters of urging page fees can be sent out by email system. The fees of examining and approving manuscripts, manuscript fees and page fees can be transferred by network bank at the financial office. The writers' manuscripts can directly enter the corresponding 'desktop' in editors' office and editors can proofread them at their own 'desk' and then bring them up to the chief editor. Editors, even those at other places, may be managed and editors at the editorial department can do part-time job in other editorial department. All these lay a foundation of establishing network editorial department.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Architectural Science & Technology(Social Science Edition)
network office
remote work
editorial dept. of the journal
editing work