
救国会推进第二次国共合作形成之研究 被引量:2

Study of Chiu-Kuo-hui’s Role in Romenting the Second Kuomintang-CPC Cooperation
摘要 救国会在华北事变国家民族危亡之际,始终围绕着停止内战,实现国共两党合作这个中心任务,进行广泛的宣传动员,并开展一系列规模浩大的群众救亡运动,把全国的抗日救亡运动引向高潮,对于推动国内和平团结御侮的进程,具有重要意义。同时救国会对各党各派作了大量工作,如帮助中共进一步完善抗日民族统一战线,促成其由“反蒋抗日”到“联蒋抗日”政策的调整;如劝说和敦促蒋介石改变内战政策,走向团结御侮之路等,推动国共两党停止内战,联合抗日。国民党逮捕救国会领袖,制造“七君子”事件,进一步激起了人民的极大义愤,国内外的抗议浪潮汇成了一股逼蒋团结御侮的强大政治压力,也推动了西安事变的发生,“七君子”事件本身成为推进抗日民族统一战线形成的一个重要事件。救国会对第二次国共合作的形成做出了重要贡献。 When the “September 18th” Incident brought the nation and the people to the verge of danger and annihilation, Chiu-kuo-hui proceeded to carry out extensive propaganda and mobilization, revoling around its perennial central task of ending the civil war and realizing the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China. It also organized a series of large-scale save-the-nation mass movements, leading the nationwide Anti-Japanese and National Salvation Movements to a climax. Its activities were the substance and meaning of the process to foster domestic peace and to unite all to ward off humiliation. At the same time, the Chiu-kuo-hui did much work for every party and each faction. For instance, it helped the CPC further improve the national United Front to resist Japanese Aggression and accelerated the CPC’s policy adjustment from “Opposing Chiang Kai-shek and Japanese” to “Uniting Chiang Kai-shek to resist Japan”; it urged and prodded Chiang to change his civil war policy and take the path towards unity and warding off humiliation, pushing the Kuomintang and the CPC to stop the civil war and unite to resist Japan. Kuomingtang’s arrest of Chiu-kuo-hui’s leaders created the “Seven Virtuous Men”incident, and further incensed the people. The tide of protests at home and abroad converged into strong political pressures on Chiang to unite and ward off humiliation,and also fostered the occurrence of the Xi’an Incident. The “Seven Virtuous Men”incident itself become an important matter in fostering the formation of the national United Front to Resist Japanese Aggression. Chiu-kuo-hui made significant contributions to the formation of the second Kuomintang-CPC cooperation.
作者 孙彩霞
出处 《西南师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期94-99,共6页 Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 救国会 统一战线 重要贡献 Chui-kuo-hui United Front significant contribution
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