The deformed micro-structure of quartz is an indicator of the deforming degree of a quartz-bearing rock. In order to understand the deforming behavior of hornblende in the course of rock deformation, the deformed micro-structure of hornblendes from mylonized diorites was studied by means of optical and TEM methods. The deformed micro-structure can be regarded as the reference system inasmuch as all the hornblendes studied coexist with quartz. It is found that the horn-blendes show no micro-structure while their coexisting quartz displays apparent undulatory extinction. The micro-structures are basically identical when the quartz exhibits subgrain and recrystallization structures, respectively. Their structures mainly show free dislocations and a sort of (010) plane defects. The Burges vector bis [001], and also the dislocations run parallel to [001] so that they are screw dislocations. Sometimes the dislocations are organized as twist dislocation walls. The partial dislocations of the plane defects are parallel to and have the sathe characteristics with the free dislcoations. By comparing the micro-structures of hornblende with those of quartz,it is estimated that there is no significant difference for the micro-structures of hornblendes in the range of the archeo-stress from several hundred thousands Pa to several ten million Pa.
Acta Mineralogica Sinica