
云南的草蛉及新属新种(脉翅目:草蛉科) 被引量:1

The Golden Eyes of Yunnan with Descriptions of some New Genus and Species(Neuroptera:Chrysopidae)
摘要 本文描记了云南省草蛉科的8新种与1新属,对过去所记载的云南省草蛉记录进行了必要的订正与补充.还附录了云南省草蛉科目录(2亚科,15属33种)及分属检索表. The present paper consists of three parts:The catalogue of Chrysopidae ofYunnan,China( 2 subfamilies,15 genera,33 species);a key to the genera;anddescribed 8 new species and 1 new genus as following notes,the type specnnens are de-posited in the Insect Collections of Beijing Agricultrual University.1 Chrysopidia flavilineata Yang et Wang, sp.nov.(fig.1 A~E)Holotype♂,paratype 1 ♂,Yunnan:Ruili Co.,1981─Ⅴ─5 (No:027)This new species with wider costal area,gradates irregular,somewhat is allied toC.remanei Holzel, but missing expansion in the middle costal margin, and differs in themale genitalia.2 Chrysocerca ruiliana Yang et Wang,sp.nov.(fig.2A~F)Holotype ♀,Yunnan:Ruili Co., 1981─Ⅴ─5(No:065)It is very allied to C. formasana (Okamoto),but without a yellowish band on theabdomen tergites,and is also different to the female genitalia.3 Retipenna diana Yang et Wang,sp.nov.(fig.3 A~C)Holotype♂,allotype♀,paratype 1♂,Yunnan:Kunming, 1981─Ⅴ─16(No: 042).The new species is allied to R. irregularis(Navas),but differs in male genitalia,the mediuncus with U-shape invagination,lateral lobes of gonarcus slender.4 Retipenna macutosa Yang et Wang, sp.nov,(fig.4A~D)Holotype ♂, Yunnan: Tengchong Co,,(1650 m), 1981─Ⅳ─27; paratype 1♂,LongchuanCo.,(1430 m), 1981─Ⅴ─28;1♂, Ruili Co., 1981─Ⅴ─(No:044)This new species is somewhat like the R.hasegawai(Nakahara),but can be distin-guished from it by the spots on the forewing,and by shape of gonarcus andpseudopenis.5 Semachrysa polystricta Yang et Wang,sp.nov.(fig.5A~H)Holotype ♂,allotype ♀,paratype 4 ♂♂,Yunnan:Longchuan Co,,(11 430m),1981─Ⅳ─29(No: 024);paratype:1♂,Ruili Co.,1981─Ⅴ─2;1♀,Mengla(800m), 1981─Ⅳ─11(No: 025).6 Dichochrysa triangularis Yang et Wang,sp.nov.(fig.6A~F)Holotype♂,Yunnan:Ruili Co.,1981─Ⅴ─5(No:047)Adistinct species, with a triangular stripe on the eell dcc of forwing,and shadowsbeside the crossveins.7 Dichochrysa yunnana Yang et Wang, sp.nov.(fig .7A~G)Holotype♂,Yunnan:Jinghong Co.,(545m),1981─Ⅳ─9(No:048).Very simillar to D.tridentata(Yang et Yang),but antennae with red brownishstripe on the out side of scape and pedicel, and also differs by the male genitalia.8 Yunchrysopa tropica Yang et Wang,gen. et sp.nov,(fig.8 A~N)Holotype♂,allotype♀,paratypes 4♂♂,3♀♀,Yunnan:Jinghong,Sanchahe(620m),1981─Ⅳ─12(No:040,041)Adistinct species with longer antennae,symmetrical mandible, and peculiar malegenitalia, may be considered as a new genus and compared in the key.
出处 《云南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1994年第2期65-74,T004,共11页 Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University
关键词 脉翅目 草蛉科 分类 Neuroptera Chrysopidae Classfication
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