
广东省流行性感冒病原学监测结果分析 被引量:30

Analysis on influenza surveillance pathogenic data in Guangdong
摘要 目的分析广东省流行性感冒(流感)流行特点和流感病毒优势株的情况。方法采集2001年1月~2004年6月内科或儿科门诊就诊的流感样病人(发病3d内)的咽拭子或咽漱液标本,流感病毒分离采用鸡胚和狗肾传代细胞(Madin-DarbyCanineKidney,MDCK);流感病毒亚型鉴定采用血凝抑制试验。结果共采集流感样病例咽拭子或咽漱液样本17313份,流感病毒阳性1508株,分离率为8.71%,其中A1型(H1N1)92株、A3型(H3N2)1138株、B型278株,分别占总分离数的6.1%,75.5%,18.4%。3种毒株在5~15岁组分布最多,占44.7%;2001年优势流行株为B型,2002~2004年优势流行株均为A3(H3N2);流感病毒分离高峰为每年3~7月,2003年和2004年上半年未分离到A1(H1N1)亚型流感病毒;A3(H3N2)型流感病毒除主要在流行季节分离外,在非流行高峰期也均有一定数量分离;B型流感病毒则主要集中分离于冬季(11、12、1月份)。结论感染人群中流感毒株A1(H1N1)、A3(H3N2)、B型交替出现,A3(H3N2)亚型活动较强。应密切注意A3型(H3N2)流行株的活动情况,加强监测,及时发现流感病毒新变异株。 Objective To investigate the prevalence of influenza viruses during the period from January 2001 to June 2004.Methods Influenzas viruses were isolated by Madin-Darby CanineKidney (MDCK) cell and embryonated eggs.Subtypes were identified by HI test.Results During the period of January 2001 to June 2004,a total number of 17?313 throat swab specimens were collected in Guangdong,with 1?508 strains identified as influenza viruses positive.The rate of isolation was 8.71 %.Of the 1?508 strains,92 strains were influenza A-H1N1,1138 strains were influenza A-H3N2 viruses,278 strains were influenza B viruses with the rates of isolation on each subtype at 6.1 %,75.4 % and 18.5%,respectively.The age distributions of three types showed the peek appeared in age 5-15.The predominant viruses were subtype of influenza A-H3N2 in 2002-2004,while influenza B in 2001.The peak of viruses isolation occured from March to July.No influenza A-H1N1was isolated in 2003 and 2004.Influenza A-H3N2 viruses were mainlyisolated in the epidemic period.Different from influenza A-H3N2,most of the B viruses were isolated in winter.Conclusion Although influenza A subtype H1N1 and H3N2 as well as B type viruses co-circulated in Guangdong,the activity of influenza A-H3N2 has been serious in these recent years.More attention should be paid to the variation of influenza A type (H3N2) strains.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期868-869,共2页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
关键词 流行性感冒 流感病毒 亚型 influenza influenza virus subtype
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