ntrasplenic metastasis of ovarian malignancies areuncommon- From 1986 to 1992 only 12 such cases werediagnosed, being 1. 2/00 of the total number of patientswith ovarian malignancies treated in tumor hospital dur-ing the same period. Of the 12 metastasis, 6 were poor-ly differentiated. Diagnosis was made through iniagingtechniques or surgery.The median interval from the di-agnosis of the primary disease to intrasplenic involve-ment was 28 months. The metastatic Lesions, present-ed themselves as single or multiple nodes within the cor-tex of the spleen. Clinical features were not remarkable.It was thought that the occurrence of intrasplenic in-volvement might be due to greater tumor bulk, poor dif-ferentiation and decreased host immuno-competencecaused by chemotherapy. Most of the intrasplenicmetastasis was found after liver metastasis or simultane-ously with the latter. The main route of the tumorspread might be via blood vessels. Sole intrasplenicmetastasis can be treated by surgery with a temporarilygood result. Poor prognosis and high mortality charac-terize intrasplenic metastasis. Themedian survival wasonly 7 months.
Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology