he change of collagen content and procollagen α_1(I) , α_1(III) mRNA expression in rat vascular struc-tural remodeling of extrapulmonary artery (EPA)in-duced by hypoxia were investigated.72 wistar malerats weighing 200~300g were used and divided into 2groups:air-breathing group(N group, 39 rats)andhypoxic group(Hgroup, 33 rats exposed to 5000m hy-pobaric hypoxia for 7 days ).ResuIts showed thatmPAp, Rv/(Lv + s ),the wet, dry weights and hy-poxyproline (HP) content in EPA of H group were in-creased from 2.83±0.09kPa(,0.23±0.01,5. 2±0.2mg,1.7±0.1mg and 22.3±1.0μg/100g BW(body weight) to 4. 77±0. 12kPa,0. 43±0.01,10.5±0.5mg,4.1±0. 2mg and 58.4±3.4μg/100g BW(body weight) to 4.77±0. 12kPa,0.43±0. 02,10.5±0. 5mg,4.1±0.2mg and 58.4±3.4μg/100g(all P<0.01). Dot Blot and Northern Blot hvbridization anal-yses showed that in EPA of H group procollagen α_1 (I)and α_1 (III)mRNAs were increased 154%and 177%(all P<0. 05).Histological study(HE)showed thathypoxia could induce an increase in the wall thicknessof EPA,particularly in adventitial thickness of the pul-monary arterial trunk.Electron microscopy revealedthe hypertrophied medial smooth muscle cells contain-ing a significant increase in rough endoplasmic reticu-lum(RER ),in extracellular ground,collagen fibersand elastin were increased.In adventitia,the fibrob-lasts showed both hypertrophy and hyperplasia andsorrounding collagen fibers were increased.Thesestudies suggested that fibroblast might play importantrole in the remodeling of EPA during the early hypoxicpulmonary hypertension and the increase of collagengene expression might be involved in the mechanism ofcollagen content and remodeling of EPA induced by hypoxia.
Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
Hypoxic Pulmonary hypertensionCollagen Fibroblast