
对话中国油气——记“中国石油天然气市场与行业发展2005峰会” 被引量:3

Dialogue on the Oil and Gas Development in China ——"China Oil and Gas Summit 2005"
摘要 2005年5月23~24日,《国际石油经济》编辑部与ARA会议机构在北京贵宾楼饭店成功地举办了“中国石油天然气市场与行业发展2005峰会”。来自14个国家和地区的近100位代表和21位特邀嘉宾出席了会议。这次会议的主题是“在能源安全和市场化改革挑战下的中国石油天然气市场与行业发展”。会议采取专题演讲与互动式讨论相结合的方式,从“能源战略与能源安全”、“石油勘探开发与进口”“、成品油市场开放与管理”、“燃气市场与商机”四个层面围绕主题进行了深入的探讨。世界能源理事会秘书长GeraldDoucet先生、中国国家发改委能源局副局长吴贵辉、商务部商业改革司副司长王晓川在会上发表了重要演讲。组织召开本次国际研讨会,与《国际石油经济》所一贯倡导的理性、建设性地探讨问题的追求十分吻合。尽管本次会议的主题看上去似乎对中国油气问题无所不包,尽管四个单元讨论的话题涉及油气领域上中下游、兼顾到政府和企业、参照了中外案例,超出了一般专题研讨会的范畴,但各单元主题之间因循着内在的客观联系,从而使整场对话式研讨内容广泛而不零乱,上达政府战略与政策走向,下抵企业操作层面,立足中国市场,又放眼周边和全球,也使与会代表多多少少可以在复杂而纷繁的中国能源问题经纬线中梳理出适合自身的定位。 The China Oil and Gas Summit 2005 co-sponsored by the International Petroleum Economics Monthly (IPE) and Allied Resources Allocator Company (ARA), was convened in Beijing from May 23 to 24 of 2005. Over 100 delegates from 14 countries and regions attended the summit. More than 20 guests, including among others, Secretary General of the World Energy Council Mr. Gerald Doucet, deputy director of China Development Reform Commission Energy Bureau Mr. Wu Guihui, deputy director of China Commerce Ministry Commercial Reform and Development Department Mr.Wang Xiaochuan, and oil experts and entrepreneurs from at home and abroad, had extensive and meaningful dialogues with the delegates, on the issue of 'the development of the Chinese oil/natural gas market and sector under the challenges of energy safety and market reform'. This international seminar served as a strong demonstration of the IPE's commitment to discussing the hot topics in a constructive manner. This seminar covered the four aspects: 'China's energy strategies and policies', 'oil/gas exploration, development and importing', 'product oil market deregulation and management' and 'fuel gas market and business opportunities', which spread across all the mainstream links of the oil/gas sector, and involved both the governments and businesses at home and abroad. The close connection between the four aspects and the theme gave the entire seminar all- inclusive and organized content, which ranged from the trend of governmental strategies and policies to the actual operations by businesses, from the Chinese market to the overseas and the global market. For today's economy, which features continued rise in the global oil price and increasing competition for petroleum resources and markets, this dialogue, which focused on the sustained development of a developing power with a huge population of 1.35 billion and per capita GDP of more than 1000 US dollars, carried profound implications. It also exhibited the social responsibility of the International Oil Economics Monthly as a national media specializing in oil and naturalg as. T 14
作者 李文 王立敏
机构地区 不详
出处 《国际石油经济》 2005年第6期14-27,共14页 International Petroleum Economics
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