
生物过滤塔中微生物群落的代谢特性 被引量:34

Metabolic Properties of the Microbial Community in the Biofilters Using Biolog Microplates
摘要 了解微生物群落结构与代谢功能对于提高生物反应器运行性能具有重要意义.为此,本研究用Biolog方法在160d的运行过程中研究了处理甲苯气体的木屑生物过滤塔和活性炭生物过滤塔中微生物群落的代谢特性.研究发现,木屑过滤塔和活性炭过滤塔中微生物群落的平均代谢活性在长期运行时均有下降趋势.主成分分析结果表明,生物过滤塔中微生物群落代谢指纹在运行前期未发生显著变化,但103d后在过滤塔进气端出现显著变化,到160d时整个过滤塔内的微生物群落代谢指纹均发生改变.2套过滤塔中微生物群落代谢活性与代谢特征指纹未表现出较大差异,表明长期运行时填料对微生物代谢的影响较小.在Biolog平板内的95种碳源中,羧酸类物质和氨基酸类物质更容易被过滤塔中的微生物群落利用. It is very important to know the structure and metabolic function of the microbial community in a bioreactor in order to improve its performance. In this study, two biofilters, packed with wood chips and granular activated carbons respectively, were operated for 160 days to treat toluene gas. The metabolic profiles of the microbial communities in the biofilters were monitored using Biolog microplates periodically during the experiments. The metabolic activities of the microorganisms in both biofilters were observed to decrease during long-term operation. According to the results of principle components analysis, the metabolic profiles of the microbial communities did not change much in the former period of the operation, but they changed in the inlet layers on day 103 and changed throughout the filter beds on day 160. The variation of the metabolic profiles in both biofilters showed little difference, which suggested that the packing media had little effect on them during long-term operation. Among the 95 carbon sources in Biolog microplate, carboxylic acids and amino acids were much easier to be utilized by the microorganisms in the biofilters than the other carbon sources.
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期165-170,共6页 Environmental Science
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2002AA601150)
关键词 Biolog方法 生物过滤塔 群落代谢特性 Biolog assay biofilters, metabolic properties of the microbial community
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