Let A. (i=1, 2, …. n+1) be the vertex of a simplex ? in n-dimensionalEuclidean space E^n, B_i (i=1, 2, …, n+1) be the tangent points at which theinscribed sphere of ? is tangent to the side faces of ?. Then the simplex ?with the tangent points as vertexes is called the tangent points simplex. Thestraight line A_iI intersects the surface A_1A_2…A_(i-1)A_(i+1)…A_(n+1) of ? at the pointD_i Where I is the inner center of ?. Let ? be the simplex with the D_i (i=1,2,…, n+1) as its vertexes and V(?), V(?), V(?) be the volume of ?, ?,?, the following inequality is proved:V(?)≤V (?)≤(1/n^n)V(?).
Journal of Hunan Educational Institute