
用正电子探测热疲劳模具钢中的缺陷变化 被引量:1

Variation of Defects in Thermally Fatigued Steel Probed by Positrons
摘要 用正电子寿命方法研究3Cr2W8V模具钢的热疲劳。通过对不同循环次数的热疲劳样品的正电子寿命谱和表面显微硬度的测量,发现表面显微硬度HV和平均正电子寿命τ随疲劳循环次数N的变化呈现出类周期振荡特征。讨论了正电子寿命变化所反映出的材料中的缺陷变化,进而初步分析了热疲劳的微观机制。 The thermal fatigue in 3Cr2W8V die steel is studied by positron lifetime and hardnessmeasurement.It has been found that the microhardness HV and the mean positron lifetimeexhibit quasi-periodical oscillation when the number of the fatigue cycles is increased.Exper-iments indicate that the oscillation may result from the variation of defects such as the vacan-cies,dislocations and voids in the steel during thermal fatigue.
出处 《华中理工大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第1X期139-143,共5页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
关键词 模具钢 热疲劳 缺陷 正电子探测 die steel thermal fatigue defects positron lifetime.
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