
蛋氨酸微量元素螯合物对产蛋鸡蛋品质及生理功能的影响 被引量:21

Effects of Amino Acid Trace Mineral Chelates on Egg Quality and Physiological Function of Laying Hens
摘要 用蛋氨酸微量元素螯合物按不同比例替代产蛋鸡饲粮中无机微量元素,研究其对产蛋鸡蛋品质及生理功能的影响。试验采用单因子试验设计,共设5个处理,用蛋氨酸微量元素螯合铁、铜、锰、锌、硒盐分别替代基础饲粮中相应无机元素水平的0%、20%、50%、80%和100%。每处理4个重复,每个重复30只160日龄的罗曼粉壳商品代蛋鸡。试验共进行9周。试验结果表明,添加蛋氨酸微量元素螯合物对蛋鸡蛋品质和生理功能有一定的改善作用,与无机盐组相比,破蛋率降低,明显提高蛋黄重量和蛋黄比例(P<0.01),血清AKP活性显著升高(P<0.01),IgG、IgM水平和T淋巴细胞转化率(TLR)显著提高(P<0.05)。综合各项指标,蛋氨酸微量元素螯合物替代无机微量元素的适宜比例为50%。 This trial was conducted to study the effects of methionine trace mineral chelates (MTMC) on egg quality and physiological function of laying hens at peak period. Five treatments were arranged to investigate the influence of substituting the mixture of iron methionine (Fe-Met), copper methionine (Cu-Met), zinc methionine (Zn-Met), manganese methionine (Mn-Met) and selenium methionine (Se-Met) for the mixture of corresponsive inorganic microelement sulfate with different levels of 0%, 20%, 50%, 80%, and 100%. 600 160-day-old Rohman laying hens were divided into five treatments randomly with four replicates per treatment and thirty hens per replicate. The experiment was conducted for 9 weeks. The results of trial show that egg quality and physiological function of laying hens can be improved by substituting mixture of MTMC for mixture of inorganic salt. Yolk weight and proportion increase significantly (P<0.05), rate of broken egg reduces and the activity of alkaline phosphatase increases significantly (P<0.01). The contents of IgG, IgM and the rate of proliferation of T lymphocyte increase significantly (P<0.05). It is concluded that the optimum level of substitution of MTMC is 50% based on all the parameters detected.
出处 《四川农业大学学报》 CSCD 2005年第2期238-243,共6页 Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University
关键词 螯合盐 蛋鸡 蛋品质 生理功能 amio acid trace mineral chelats laying hens egg quality physiology function
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