
基于颜色的重复劣势效应:是重复盲还是返回抑制? 被引量:3

Color-based Repetition Disadvantage: Repetition Blindness or Inhibition of Return?
摘要 采用2×2被试内设计,考察了在靶子呈现位置不确定、SOA为800ms条件下基于颜色的重复劣势效应。结果表明在空间位置不确定的情况下存在基于颜色的重复劣势效应,说明颜色与空间位置、客体一样在注意的搜索中起着重要的作用。文章还对基于颜色的重复劣势效应的机制提出了新的假设。 The aim of the present experiment was to determine whether color-based repetition disadvantage occurred under the condition of unidentified location of a target and 800ms SOA.The response time of the target was slower while the color of cue and target was same than that which was different and no matter how the location of cue and target was same or not.The result suggested that inhibition of return mechanism underlie the color-based repetition disadvantage effect and color,as location and object,be essential to attention searching.
作者 张明 张阳
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2005年第2期122-127,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
关键词 基于颜色的重复劣势效应 返回抑制 重复盲 color-based repetition disadvantage,inhibition of return,repetition blinding
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