
殖民地文化的成长之旅——牙买加·金凯德自传体小说《安妮·章》主题评析 被引量:3

A Journey Out of the Cultural Plight in the Colonized Territory:A Thematic Analysis of Jamaica Kincaids Annie John
摘要 牙买加.金凯德的自传体小说《安妮.章》通过讲述安提瓜少女安妮.章与其母亲之间的关系,表现了在殖民地文化中成长的安妮对殖民文化强烈的反抗意识。该作品以母女关系暗示殖民者文化与被殖民文化的关系,其深层主题思想是安妮.章所代表的加勒比殖民地文化是一种具有强烈混杂性的流散文化,它要得到进一步发展,必然要经历一个痛苦的抗争和成长过程,最终依赖本土传统文化精神,以独立的姿态和协商的手段将自己置身于全球化的语境中去进行文化揭秘,逐渐走向成熟。 Jamaica Kincaid's autobiographical novel Annie John is about a young, strong-willed Antiguan girl who faces issues in conjunction with coming to age in a British colonized nation and dealing with the adolescent struggle of mother/daughter relationships, which implies the relations between the colonizing culture and the colonized culture. It shows us the theme that the culture in the colonized territory, a hybridized product with the diaspora quality, has to experience a painfully resistant growing process if it wants to be developed. The way out of the plight is to demystify itself and other cultures in the globalization context with an independent identity and a means of negotiation, supported by the spirit of its own traditional culture.
作者 舒奇志
出处 《四川外语学院学报》 北大核心 2005年第4期59-63,共5页 Journal of Sichuan International Studies University
关键词 美国黑人文学 身份确认 流散与混杂 牙买加·金凯德 Afro-American literature hybridity and diaspora identity Jamaica Kincaid
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