7See M.Bedjaoui (ed.), International Law : Achievements and Prospects, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1991, p.67.p.11-14
8See UIA, Yearbook of International Organizations ( 1996/1997), 33~1 edition, Vol. 1, pp. 1684-1685.1677-1678
9See E. S. C. Res.31, UN ESCOR, 49th Sess., Supp. No.l, UN Doe. E/1996/96(1996).
10See H. H-K Rechenberg, Non-Governmental Organizations, in R. Bernhardt (ed. ), Encyclopedia of Public InternationalLaw (Vol. Ⅲ ), Elevier Science Publishers B.V. ,1995, p.612,p.614,p.612-613