The national baseline survey on the death among children aged 0-4 years shows: Accidental deaths account for 13.4% and rank third of all deaths aged 0-4 years. Mortality rate of all accidents is 147. 7 per 100000 children aged 0-4 years. It is estimated that 1. 83 million children aged 0-4 years would die from accidents per year and potential years of life lost (PYLL) due to accidents is over 113. 59 million years. For infant and 1-4 years age group, accident mortalities are 576. 6 and 66. 3 per 100000,ranking third and first of all fatal deaths respectively. For each of age groups infant, 1-4 years and 0-4 years accident mortalities in rural area are 10. 7,4- 4 and 7. 4 times the accident mortalities in urban area respectively, no matter what the cause would be.