
赫兹发现电磁波的实验方法及过程 被引量:3

Method and process of the experiments of discovering electromagnetic waves by Hertz
摘要 根据赫兹的文集、实验笔记、日记和书信等原始文献,对赫兹发现电磁波的实验进行仔细考察,以期真实地再现这一重大发现的历史过程.笔者认为赫兹发现电磁波的过程是由一系列重要实验组成,并不能仅以单个实验为其标志.还指出尽管赫兹没有认识到发现电磁波的实用价值,但他的实验研究成果客观上为无线电技术实用化的进程奠定了重要基础. This paper makes a detailed investigation of the experiments of discovering electromagnetic waves by Hertz, according to the Hertz's collected papers, laboratory notes, diaries, letters and other original literature. It is tried to reappear really the historical process of the great discovery. It is argued that the process of Hertz's discovering electromagnetic waves consists of a series of importance experiments, not any single experiment. Furthermore, it points out that although Hertz did not know the practical value of his discovery, but the results of his experiment research objectively play an important role in the development of radio technology.
作者 钱长炎
出处 《物理实验》 2005年第7期33-38,共6页 Physics Experimentation
关键词 电磁波 实验过程 赫兹 electromagnetic waves process of experiments Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
  • 相关文献


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