

The Development of European Integration and Its Significance to World Economy
摘要 当共同市场刚刚诞生时,人们对其性质和前景还不乏怀疑,而如今,欧洲共同体统一大市场的建立已被确认为一个既定事实,成为世界经济中一件具有重大影响的事件。从初级的关税同盟到高级的统一大市场,这的确是一个重大的跃进。对于这种变化的深刻含义不仅要依其现实发展来理解,而且也应从其历史发展的进程来进一步认识。一、历史性的突破人们对欧洲统一的追求有着长期的历史渊源。但是,构成历史的一个主线曾是,强者总是凭籍实力去主宰欧洲,即以一国的霸权实行统一。当然,试图以和平方式实现欧洲联合的思潮亦早就有之,'欧洲联邦'、'欧洲合众国'。 It's not until after World War Ⅱ the dream of Europeanunion and integration comes true.ECSC,and then EEC,thcugh partly Euro-pean union and integration,hewever represent a big Step-forward on the pro-cess.There have been two kinds and two speeds of European economic integra-tion,EEC and EFTA,with the former more institutional and faster speedand higher degree.Largely,the process of development of EEC can be consi-dered as the mainstream of West European integration.Many obstacles stillexist after nearly 30 years,though considerable progress were already madeA big step must be made so long as the integration continues,which may bevital to EC countries at present and in the future.The Single Market Actcertainly brings much hope for citizens and political leaders of Western Eu-rope.There is probably no doubt about the establishment of a internal market of EC,but anyhow suspicious on its real impact are widespread among theoutsiders.In author's perspective,there are mainly three kinds of activesignificance to the world economy:a)'radiation effect',i.e.the growthof EC will spread out to the rest of the world;b)'learning effect',i.e.other countries will learn from EC experiences,which will push forward theintegrations of the whole world economy,though mainly through regional in-tegrations;c)'competition effect',both competitions within EC and betweenEC and other countries,which will surely improve the efficiency of theeconomic development.Any further integration,from macro-point of view,isa good thing to the world economy.1992 program means both of opportunitiesand challenges to either EC er the other countries.A more protective ECinternal market will not be beneficial to not only the rest of the world,butalso EC itself.
作者 张蕴岭
出处 《西欧研究》 CSSCI 1989年第1期6-14,62-63,共9页
关键词 西欧 经济 一体化
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