70年代初起,阿拉伯国家食物进口逐年增加。阿拉伯研究机构和经济学家提出了阿拉伯世界“食物安全”问题。所谓“食物安全”(Food Security)是指国家在粮食、肉类、奶制品、食油、食糖、蔬菜等基本食物供应方面要做到自给自足,保证人民最低消费水平,使国家拥有必要的食物储备,进而实现经济独立。
The 'food security' problem is an important one concerning the prospectof Arab World's development. The ever growing food imports in these countriesdevour a large part of their construction capital causing much trouble in theireconomic growth, forming an unstable factor at home that renders socialsecurity in danger. They also put the population problem on a more prominent.place and impede these societies progressing along a sound path. However,there are great potentialities and real possibilities in Arab Worldto carry out 'food security' projects: 1.excellenf natural conditions for heigh-tening food production; 2, reconciliatory atmosphere in political situation among-these countries suitable to solve 'food secutity' problem with collective efforts;3, the important role of agriculture in economic development strategy iswidely recognized; 4, the thinking of the integration of regional economiesopening a new phase for the agricultural cooperations among Arab countries;5, emergence of a favourable investment tendency; 6, managerial system inagriculture becoming more flexible. In Sino-Arabian overall economic cooperations, the cooperation in foodproduction is occupying an important position and having wide possibility andgreat political significance.
West Asia and Africa