Since 1980s, Zambia has carried out economic readjustment and trans-formation in three stages, and has undergone a tortuous and complicatedprocess of difficulty. The economic readjustment and transformation have developed along withthe implementation of those measures designed for overcoming difficulties.Such a policy is passive, its contingency being very obvious. Judging by thedevelopment of its policies for the past several years, one can find no basicthread of thought of a total design with which Zambia is to tnrn back thetrend of economic decline; on the contrary, it has merely busied itself incoping with the immediate unfavourable condition, while lacking a subjectconsciousness and a guiding principle or consistency and continuity. Abruptchanges in policies were made, especially during the years from 1985 to 1987when several drastic reversals took place. Indeed, under the two fold pressureof domestic political climate and the IMF, the Zambian governmenth ad littlescope for policy option. It finds itself in an embarrassing dilemma betweenthe policy of maintaining political stability and the policy of carrying outeconomic transformation to overcome difficulties. All these have shed shado- ws over the prospect of Zambia's economic readjustment and transformation.There is yet a long way to go for Zambia to extricate itself from economicdifficulties.
West Asia and Africa