The Middle East and Gulf region is one of the world's six major cont-ract markets. It is well-known for being rich in oil. The in-flowing oil dol-lars have provided ample capital for the economic construction of the Gulf countries, resulting in rapid development of the economy in this region. Oil will remain to be the chief source of energy consumption of the worldin the next two decades starting from 1990s to early next century. It is verylikely that OPEC will resume its dominant role in oil market after mid-1990s.With the rising trend of oil price, the market in the Middle East and Gulfregion will turn for the better, and the economic construction projects ornon-productive projects in the region will also increase correspondingly, thusproviding us with more opportunities. The Gulf countries are in Iack of manpower. Although they have alreadynoted this problem and have adopted measures to improve the situation,yet ittakes time to bring about results. For the coming five years or so, it can beforeseen that these countries would find it difficult to forge a substitutivelabour force, and therefore they will still be in need of foreign man-powerto fill the gap. So the contract market in the region looks quite promising. It is suggested that China undertake labour contract ventures on differ-ent levels and for different trades in the Gulf region, relax her policies inman-power export, improve the labour contrace work with better centralization,forecasting,planning,coordination and more varieties.
West Asia and Africa