
单壁氮化硼纳米管的结构、对称性和晶格动力学 被引量:3

Structure, Symmetry and Lattice Dynamics of Single Wall Boron Nitride Nanotubes
摘要 本文分析了氮化硼纳米管的结构对称性,并对其晶格振动模的对称性进行了分类。计算了单壁氮化硼纳米管的声子色散关系,给出了扶手椅管和锯齿管拉曼和红外活性模的频率随管径的变化规律。 In this paper, we analyse the structure of single wall boron nitride nanotubes and classify the vibration of the crystal lattice. The phonon dispersion curves of single wall boron nitride nanotubes were calculated. The relation between vibrational frequency for Raman-ac- tive and IR-active modes and the diameter of nanotubes was presented.
出处 《光散射学报》 2005年第2期125-131,共7页 The Journal of Light Scattering
关键词 氮化硼纳米管 对称性 声子 <Keyword>boron nitride nanotube symmetry phonon
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