
秦可卿出丧的写作参照与可能性对比 被引量:6

The Writing Consult to Qin Ke-qing’s Funeral and Its Feasibility Contrast
摘要 《红楼梦》中秦可卿出丧的写作参照是《金瓶梅》中李瓶儿出丧。表现在相似的临终嘱托、棺木越规、僭越规矩等。而《聊斋志异》中金和尚出丧是前二者的过渡环节,即变繁琐为简练,变自然撷拾为理性归纳的中间环节。金和尚和秦可卿的相似之处是:都出身微贱;都生活在不合礼法的氛围中;二者都有异姓儿;作者对他们的丧事描写都采用了春秋笔法。曹雪芹笔下跟秦可卿出丧形成鲜明对比的可能是贾母之丧。秦可卿是辈分最低的重孙媳,贾母是辈分最高的老祖宗,身份形成强烈对比;秦可卿之丧在贾府极盛时,奢华无限,贾母之丧在贾府败落时,寒酸异常,丧事规格形成尖锐对比。从现存脂评找不到曹雪芹写过贾母之丧的痕迹,但没写过不等于没打算写。根据前八十回的蛛丝马迹推测,曹雪芹笔下可能出现这样的情节:贾母去世时,贾府大厦已倾,贾母不仅不可能有风光大丧,甚至棺木都成了问题。这时,刘姥姥登场,出钱葬贾母并用二进大观园时的贾母赠衣为其装殓。史太君两宴大观园为这样的描写预埋了伏线:刘姥姥跟贾母有着非同寻常的“天上缘分”;刘姥姥一进荣国府是打秋风者,二进荣国府因跟贾母投缘,变成贾母的贵客和“老亲戚”;贾母和刘姥姥的依依惜别,很像是贾府败落时刘姥姥葬贾母的伏笔。当年贾母惜老怜贫,刘姥姥在关键时刻、关键问题上帮助贾母本人和她的家族。贾母能入土为安,跟秦可卿当年提醒凤姐安排祖茔有关。这样一来,贾母之死和秦可卿之丧就形成了较为完整、系统、合情合理的对比,就小说构思艺术而言,顺理成章。 Qin Ke-qing’s funeral in The Dream of Red C hamber referred to the fu neral of Li Pinger in Jin Ping Mei.The symbols were the same last words and the coffins,which did not accord to their status either.In Liao Zhai Zhi Yi ,Monk King’s funeral was the transition part between them; it also was the transitio n part to make the description become simpleness from complexity.The parentage of Monk King and Qin Ke-qing were substrate,they lived in the illegal atmosphe re ,Monk King lived in a heavy richness atmosphere and Qin Ke-qing lived in a car na lity atmosphere.They were both the stepfather and the stepmother.The descripti ons of their funerals were written euphemistically.Qia Mu’s funeral was the vi vid contrast to Qin Ke-qings’.Qin Ke-qing was the granddaughter-in-law,Qi a Mu’ s position in the family hierarchy were the highest.Qin Ke-qing’s funeral was a t the time that Qia family was flourish; Qia mu’s funeral was at the time that Qia family was declined.We cannot find any trace in the review by Zhi Yan-zhai t hat Cao Xue-qin has written Qia Mu’s funeral.But we cannot said that he did n ot think about it and plan to do it.The plots should have been written: when Qia Mu was dead,not only couldn’t she have a good funeral,but also couldn’t have a coffin.At that time,Liu Laolao appeared,she gave Qia Mu a funeral and dres sed her by the clothes that she got from Qia Mu at the second time she come to Q ia family.Qia Mu has hold the banquet,which was the prearrangement for the fol lowing things: when the first time Liu Laolao went to Qia family,she was a begg ar; when the second time she went to Qia family,she got luck with Qia Mu and be came the relative of Qia family.At the beginning,Qia Mu sympathized Liu Laolao ,and at last,Liu Laolao helped her and her family.The reason that Qia Mu coul d go t a funeral at last should have contact with the last words of Qin Ke-qing.Thi s made the novel be a perfect system and this also seamed in reason for the art of the whole novel.
作者 马瑞芳
出处 《文史哲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期54-60,共7页 Literature,History,and Philosophy
关键词 秦可卿 贾母 《红楼梦》 《聊斋志异》 《金瓶梅》 Qin Ke-qing Qia Mu The Dream of Red Chamb er Liao Zhai Zhi Yi Jin Ping Mei
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  • 1毛宗岗批评.三国演义[M].济南:齐鲁书社,1991.
  • 2金圣叹批评.水浒传[M].济南:齐鲁书社,1991.
  • 3蔡义江校注.红楼梦[M].杭州:浙江文艺出版社,1993..
  • 4张竹坡批评.金瓶梅[M].济南:齐鲁书社,1987.












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