
行星齿轮啮合刚度对其振动特性的影响 被引量:3

Impact of Planetary-gear Meshing Rigidity on Its Vibration Characteristics
摘要 建立了单级直齿行星齿轮传动多自由度数学模型。在该系统中,根据行星齿轮固有频率和振动模态的特点,推导了特征值对于啮合刚度的敏感度公式及其与啮合应变能之间的关系式。分析结果表明,啮合刚度对两个旋转模态、两组位移模态和两个行星模态的固有特性影响较大;根据啮合应变能分布,可以清楚地了解啮合刚度变化对于系统固有特性的影响。 A multi-freedom mathematical model was set up for a single-stage straight-tooth planetary gear transmission. Within this system, on the basis of the special features of planetary gear natural frequency and vibration mode, deduced were a formula showing the sensibility of an eigenvalue to meshing rigidity and the relationship between this eigenvalue and meshing strain energy. The results of an analysis indicate that the meshing rigidity has a relatively great influence on the intrinsic characteristics of two rotating modes, two groups of displacement mode and two planetary modes. Through the distribution of meshing strain energy one can clearly detect the influence of meshing rigidity changes on the system intrinsic characteristics.
出处 《热能动力工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期414-416,420,共4页 Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power
关键词 行星齿轮 啮合刚度 振动特性 planetary gear, meshing rigidity, vibration characteristics
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