
中风病研究进展述评 被引量:111

Review of Research Progress on Apoplexy
摘要 本文从理论、临床、实验研究以及新药开发研制、预防、康复、护理诸方面,对中风病中医药研究概况进行了全面述评.指出近10年来所取得的进展主要体现在:中风病证名称统一及病位、病因、病机等方面的研究;中风病症、舌、脉等症状学观察及辨治规律的探讨,并相应制订出全国统一的诊疗标准;在治疗方法上,人们开始重视综合运用中医药各种治疗措施;在预防工作中,致力于中风先兆证流行病学调查;在康复方面,中风痴呆已引起人们的广泛重视;中风病实验研究逐步深入,且增加了投入.认为辨证论治规范化和治法方药多样化是目前中风病治疗的主要趋势,而中风病新药的研制开发也成为热点.为了深化研究,本文进而提出,重视预防及轻型病例的研究,加强急性期救治,进一步完善和推广各项诊疗标准及规范,加强中药新药的开发研制,重视康复治疗的研究是今后中风病研究的总趋势. The paper gives an overall review of TCM treatment of apoplexy in aspects of theoretic,clinical and experimental researches, the development of new medicines,precaution,rehabilitation , nurse and so on- It reports the main progress of researches on apoplexy in recent ten years; standardization, of name of disease and syndrome of apoplexy ;researches on location, cause and pathologic mechanism of apoplexy i observation of the symptoms, tongue and pulse of apoplexy ;exploration on the law for determination of treatment based on differentiation of symptoms and signs; formulation of the unified nationwide stardard of diagnosis and curative effect. It also reports that in the treatment and precaution, people began to pay attention to various therapeutic methods of TCM and epidemiologic investigation of premonitory symptoms of apoplexy (in rehabilitation of apoplexy,the importance has been attached to cerebral dementia ; experimental researches on apoplexy are developing in depth. The paper holds that the trend in the treatment of apoplexy at present is standardization of determination of treatment based on the differentiation of symptoms and signs and a variety of therapeutic recipe and medicine, the focus is also on developing new Chinese patent medicines for apoplexy. It further points out that the general trend of researches on apoplexy ahead is to pay attention to precaution and researches of ambulant patients,reinforce emergency treatment,futher perfect and spread the standard of diagnosis and curative effect,strengthen the development of new Chinese herbal medicines and attach importance to rehabilitation.
机构地区 北京中医药大学
出处 《中国中医急症》 1995年第2期51-54,共4页 Journal of Emergency in Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 中风 临床研究 Apoplexy Theoretic research Clinical research Experimental research Development of new medicine Precaution Rehabilitation Nurse
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