
城市学习型社区中知识与信息需求的调查与研究 被引量:3

The survey and research on the demand for knowledge and information from learning communities in urban areas
摘要 学习型社区是构建学习型社会的基础,是我国未来社区建设的主流方向。而一个学习型社区的优劣主要看其是否能够满足社区居民终身化学习的需要。本文利用问卷法、访谈法等手段对一些典型的社区进行了调查,并从中总结出了社区居民的知识与信息需求情况。目前,学习型社区建设当中需要重点关注的问题就是通过准确掌握社区居民的知识与信息需求,并根据其各自的不同特征与需求来为其提供个性化的知识与信息服务,希望通过这种方式来优化学习型社区中的知识与信息服务,从而促进社区居民终身化学习的实现。 Learning com m unity is the foundation of establishing learning society, w hich is the m ainstream of future com m unity construction in our country. The criteria to judge the quality of a learning com m unity rely on w hether it can m eet the lifelong learning dem and of its residents. In this paper, with a view of further prom oting the construction of learning com m unity, and offering people an individualized and good study environm ent for lifelong learning, a survey about the demand for know ledge and inform ation from the residents in current community has been perform ed. 1,200 questionnaires have been sent out, interview s have been done in 13 com m unities, and data have been collected from 54 com m unities. A ccording to the data analysis, the author has figured out the follow ing results: there are relatively large differences in the infrastructures of current com m unities because of the variance existing in geological location and the gap betw een rural and urban areas; the residents lack full understanding of lifelong learning, the continuing study for the senior citizens has not been paid m uch attention; the m id- aged and the young longing for know ledge and inform ation have been offered rare opportunities to access the com m unity study; the residents' expenditures for learning are relatively low in term s of their incom e distribution, but there is a tendency of increasing expenditure for learning, som e of the residents can even afford the expensive electronic learning instrum ents; the inform ation quality varies am ong different age groups; the study habit and partiality of the residents in com m unity study are quite different from those in the traditional education; the com m unity residents prefer know ledge and inform ation about health, dom estic affairs, and am usem ent. Finally, the author puts forw ard three pieces of advice considering the situation of current com m unity establishm ent: strengthen the use of m aterial conditions, increase the aw areness of dem and for know ledge and inform ation from the users; provide specific and tim ely know ledge and inform ation services according to the residents' capacity; offer individualized service based on the learners' partiality, habits and demand scope of know ledge and information.
出处 《中国远程教育》 北大核心 2005年第07S期36-39,共4页 Chinese Journal of Distance Education
基金 华中师范大学社科处"丹桂计划"资助(2004)年国家社科基金:中国城市社区居民自治的制度研究04BKS027
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