The spontaneous closure of residual shunt in 2 patients who. had residual shunt after repair of ventricular septal defect (VSD)were evaluated by color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI). One patient with VSD had evidence of residual shunt at 10 days after repair and no longer showed evidence ofrsial shunt at 12 weeks after repair by CDFI. One patient with VSD and ASD had residual shunts fromleft ventricle to right ventricle and from left ventricle to right atrium at 1 day after repair. This patientunderwent reoperation. There was evidence of residual shunt from left ventricle to right atrium by CDFIat 15 days after reoperation and at 7 weeks after reoperation, the residual shunt from left ventricle to ri hgt atrium was disappear. CDFI is a sensitive technique in detection of residual shunt after repair ofVSD. We investigated the use of CDFI in assessment of residual shunt after surgical repair of VSD andfollowed up the patients with residual shunt. With time, fibrin deposition and thromb will occur,'Thereby closing the leak between patch and native ventricular seprum. Therefore,small residual shuntcould close spontaneously. The reoperation is not needed for the patioents with small residual shunt.
Chinese Journal of Ultrasonography
residual shunt ventricular septal defect color Doppler flow imaging