Objective The aim of this study is to report biventricular pacing in 6 patients with congestive heart failure(CHF) and discuss the initial clinical experience with biventricular pacing and V-V optimization. Methods From March 2004,6 patients with CHF refractory to standard pharmacutical therapy were treated by implanting InSync Ⅲ (8042) pacemakers.All patients received routine echocardiography examination,6 Minutes Hall Walking(6MHW) and clinical cardiac function evaluation as baseline within 48 hours before implantation.Before discharge optimal V-V delay would be determined.Repeating the above mentioned examinations on month 1, month 3, and month 6 after implantation and on month 6 re-optimizing the V-V delay was performed.Results InSync Ⅲ were all successfully implanted in all 6 patients.Five patients were atrial sensing with ventricular pacing and total percentage of ventricular pacing were over 90%.One patient was atrial pacing with ventricular pacing and ventricular pacing was around 94%.Cardiac function (NYHA class) and 6MHW were significantly improved in all 6 patients compared with those at baseline.The instant effect of optimizing V-V delay showed aortic velocity time integral could be increased to(23.5±6.6)cm from(20.7±6.6)cm of prior optimization,ejection fraction could be increased to 0.29±0.08 from 0.24±0.09 of prior optimization.Conclusion Biventricular pacing can improve cardiac function,enhance life quality in refractory CHF patients.V-V optimization can further improve ejection fraction.After initial optimization of V-V delay,patient may not need multiadjustment of V-V delay during follow-up.
Chinese Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias