he nested polymerase chain reaction(nested-PCR)has been adopted to amplifythe speeifie sequences of the hypervariable region of the flagellin gene of SalmonellaTyphi(S. typhi).9 strains of Salmonella(including two strains of S. typhi) and 7strains of non salmonella organisms were tested. The results showed that only S.typhi amplified products had 343bp specific DNA f ragment. That amplified productswere analysed by Southern blot hybridization using γ32-PATP labelled 40 base probespeeifie for S. typhi the above results were proved reliable. The sensitivity of amp-lifieation was about 30fg DNA of S. typhi (corresponding to 10 organisms). It wasused to detect S. typhi, DNA in 78 blood specimens colleected from 69 patients withtyphoid fever, it was shown that the sensitivity of nested-PCR(100%)was signifi-cantly higher than that of traditional(blood and/or bone marrow) culture method(73%,p<0.01).The specificity were both l00%. Sensitivity of nested-PCR was notaffected by prior antibiotic treatment. The whole procedure was completed within l0-12h. The above results suggest that nested-PCR may be a specific,sensititive andrapid technique for the diagnosis of typhiod fever.
Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases