Because some new words will be created in the development of human knowledge and the expression forms of words may be various, the word matching method is needed to research in order to adapt the changes from the point of the semantic features of words. This paper proposes an improved sememe similarity, which is based on se- mantic features of words. To analyze the effect of the coefficient β, this paper deducts three theorems in theory and then educes that the value of the coefficient β must be set in a range, which is to say that the coefficient β cannot be set much little value or much large value. Based on the sememe similarity, a word similarity is put forward to match new words with old words from the view of the semantic features. To adapt the Web page information, which in- cludes the human knowledge and has various expression forms, a novel semantic matching method is proposed to iden- tify the class of the Web information items. The semantic matching method is based on both the word similarity and the sememe similarity. As the experiment results show, the sememe based semantic matching method gains higher ac- curacy to identify the class of the Web information items.
Computer Science