软件可用性工程是当前软件开发的重要研究领域,研究者试图通过对软件可用性特征的分析提高使用者使用效率,改善软件质量。本文针对软件使用过程中的用户操作特征,采用 Markov模型对用户软件操作过程进行聚类和建模。并在此基础上根据用户模型的概率描述指标,提出了相应的在线模型更新算法和帮助系统设计方法。在实际软件设计过程中设计实现了以此为理论基础的试验系统,取得了较好的应用效果。
Software usability engineering is one of the most important research areas in software developing. Re- searchers can improve the quality of the software through analyzing the characteristics of the software usability. This paper proposes a new Markov based method to cluster and model the users' using processes by collecting the using characteristics of the users during their using processes. We also describe the indices used in refreshing the algorithms corresponded in the online models and designing the helping systems, which is based on the user models' probability. We implement the experiment systems according to this theory proposition during the software design processes, and get an effective reflection either.
Computer Science