he plasma cortisol and adrenocorticotrophin(ACTN)were measured by radioimmunoassay in 58asthmatic and 45 control children.The level of plas-ma 539±vs.570±248nmol/L,P>0.05)and ACTH(5.0±1.9vs.4.7±1.9mol/L,P>0.05)were notsignificantly different between the asthmatic and con-trol cases.The inhibitory rate of plasma cortisol in 22asthmatic children treated with triamcinolone acetonidewas 76.4%,73.1% and 69.9% on the 7th, 14th and21th day,respectively,and recovered on the 28th day.The inhibtory rate of ACTH was 28.3% and 34.0%on the 7th and 14th day,respectively,and recoveredon the 21th day.ACTH stimulation test in 7 asthmaticchildren showed that(the cortisol levels increased from223nmol/L to 632nmol/L.ACTN stimulation test in 6cases treated with triamcinolone acetonide showed thaton the 8th~14th days thecortisol levels increased 5~127nmol/L.This study indicated that the plasma corti-sol,ACTH and ACTH stimulation test in asthmaticchildren were normal,hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal-axis function of asthmatic children treated with triamci-nolone acetonide was suppressed,and the level of plas-ma cortisol recovered 28 days later.
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics