
基于特征保持与三角形优化的网格简化 被引量:1

Mesh Simplification Based on Features Preserving and Triangles Optimization
摘要 计算机图形学领域网格化简有着十分重要的意义,但目前的网格简化或者简化程度过高,或者由于硬件原因简化模型仍很复杂。为此,本文提出了一个基于特征保持和三角形优化的化简算法,可以有效地生成高质量的化简模型。把原始模型中的边和顶点进行分类,对于不同类型的边分配不同的折叠代价值,根据顶点类型选择不同的折叠方法,并且对简化模型中的三角形网格进行优化,可避免狭长三角形的生成。实验结果显示,在相同三角形面的情况下本算法生成的简化模型比以往其他方法具有更好的效果。 Many applications in computer graphics and related fields can benefit from automatic simplification of complex polygonal surface models. Applications are often confronted with either very densely over-sampled surfaces or models too complex for the limited available hardware capacity. In this dissertation, We will present a new simplification algorithm based on the quadric error metric while preserve the basic feature of the original model. Our algorithm is proved to be able to generate approximation with better quality. In our algorithm, we classify the edges into five types classify the vertexes into four types. We do edge collapse operation according to each particular edge and chose the destination vertex according to each vertex. Thus we can preserve most of the features of the original model. Also we evaluate the shape of the triangle in the simplified model, we will try to avoid slim triangle to be generated. We do the above by evaluating the compactness of each triangle. At last we will summarize our conclusion and give the outlook of future work.
出处 《长春理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2005年第2期52-56,66,共6页 Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 澳门基金会项目
关键词 网格简化 边折叠 细节特征 细节层次 <Keyword>mesh simplification level of detail edge collapse sharp feature
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