
上海与抗日战争 被引量:1

Shanghai and the Anti - Japanese War
摘要 今年是世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年。1931年日本侵略者发动了“九一八”事变,上海的民众立即掀起了抗日救国运动和抵制日货运动的高潮。在国民政府顽固实行“攘外必先安内”的不抵抗政策时,上海成立各种抗日救国组织,成为中国抗日救亡运动的中心。从工人、帮会到童子军,各界民众广泛地参加了抗日活动,上海的特殊环境,使它成为国共两党走向第二次合作的里程碑式的地点,为国共第二次合作的得以实现做出了巨大贡献。“一二八”、“八一三”两次淞沪抗战,给日本法西斯以沉重打击。上海人民与犹太难民、朝鲜的反日志士以及其它一些热爱和平的国外人士一道,生活在同一上海屋檐下,始终斗志昂扬,投身于共同的反法西斯大业中去。上海为抗战的胜利作出了不可磨灭的贡献。 Soon after the Japanese invaders provoked the Incident on September 18, 1937, the broad masses of the people in Shanghai immediately launched a great movement to resist Japanese aggressors and rescue the Chinese nation, and set off an upsurge to boycott Japanese goods. When the National Government stubbornly carried out the non - resistance policy, Shanghai established various organizations to resist Japanese invaders and save the Chinese nation, thus becoming the centre of the movement in China to fight agaist Japanese aggressors and save the nation from extinction. People from all walks of life, including workers, secret socities, and boy scouts, all actively participated in various activities against Japan. The special and unique surroundings in Shanghai made it the historic venue where the Chinese Communist Party and the National Party entered their second cooperation , which marked a new milestone in the history of Chine. Thus, Shanghai contributed a great deal to the realization of the two parties' second cooperation. The two campaignss launched in Shanghai on Dec. 8 and Aug. 13 respectively against Japanese invaders dealt heavy blows to the Japanese fascists. The people of Shanghai lived and fought together with Jewish victims, noble -minded fighters against Japan from Korea, and all the other peace -loving personages from across the world. Being full of fighting spirit all along, all these people threw themselves into the noble cause of resisting the Japanese fascists--the common enemy of the world people. Thus, Shanghai made an everlasting contrbution to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan.
出处 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2005年第4期1-7,共7页 Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 抗战 凇沪战役 抗日救亡 上海 the Anti - Japanese War, Songhu Campaigns, the War to Resist Japan and Save the Nation From Extinction, Shanghai
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  • 1何英.抗日战争究竟应从何时算起[J].延安大学学报(社会科学版),1984,6(2):22-23. 被引量:6
  • 2魏宏运主编.《中国现代史》上册.北京师范大学出版社.1983年版.
  • 3魏宏运主编.《中国现代史》下册.北京师范大学出版社.1983年版.
  • 4井上清,卫藤渖吉.《日中战争和日中关系》.原书房1988年版.
  • 5王维礼(东北师大历史系).《“九一八事变”后的主要矛盾和二战史研究》.
  • 6台湾张其昀主编.《抗日战史》.1966年版.13页
  • 7王平.《抗战八年》.琥珀出版社.1968年版.
  • 8薛光前编著.《八年对日抗战中之国民政府—1937年至1945年》.商务印书馆.1978年版.
  • 9李云汉.《战争的起源-七七卢沟桥事变的背景》.
  • 10国民党党史委员会编.《革命文献》.











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