Balanced psychology plays an important role in school management. To make great progress and sympathetic in equilibrium. Equilibrium is radiative while disequilibrium is absolute . The function of manager is to make them balance. Balanced psychology of school management is characterized by following points:First,Balanced Psychology and Scales Minds. Fairness is a standard which grants the majority of people to keep it as a rule which make everyone feel fair.Second,balanced Psychology and Umbrella Stand's Effect. The management pattern at school is umbrella stand, which is radiating. Sticking to the equidistance, each of member keeps the same distance from the center. Let every skeleton works well to keep the unity overall situation.Last,balanced psychology and Keyboard Effect. The needs of every body both have generality and personality. The differences show, different value. we'd better have it considered firstly and lessen the differences in minds to meet personal awant as much as possible.The function of balance helps school's work to make progress.And the development of object comes from movement which is from unbalance. It's a cycle of movement, which is acted by balance,unbalanced, balance.
Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
balanced psychology
function of management
swinging advance
unbalanced movement