
从认知角度探析似非而是的隽语 被引量:2

Approaching Paradox From Cognitive Perspective
摘要 似非而是的隽语(paradox)除了可以增加文章文采外,也是一种心理认知的方法。隽语的理解过程就是心理认知过程,它所包含的文本层面的语义偏离先通过前景化的手段吸引读者的注意力,再促使他们运用存在于自身头脑中的图式进行深层思考,使其充分理解隽语含意;而对隽语的理解和接受,引发了对原有图式的挑战和图式的更新,从而提高了读者认识世界的能力。 Paradox attracts readers' attention through its semantic foregrounding and makes them pore over the underlying meaning of the seemingly absurd statement. When struggling to fill in the thinking vacuum of the semantic deviation, readers are encouraged to turn to schemata in their mind and have a full understanding of the statement. The readers' ability to explore the world are improved as well for paradox tends to challenge and refresh the existing schemata in readers' mind rather than preserving them.
作者 岑群霞
出处 《浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)》 2005年第2期51-55,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Humane Science)
关键词 似非而是的隽语 前景化 语义偏离 图式 图式更新 paradox, foregrounding, semantic deviation, schema, schema refreshing
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