AbstractComputerized image analysis in the procession and measurement of the nuciear image of single cells and the cell number uer visual filed in tissue sections ofvarious types of osteogenic tumors have been carriedout in five cases each of osteoma,osteoblastoma,os-teosarcomas of low, moderate and high degrees of ma-lignancy respectively. Seven specific pararncters, A-max,L-max,A-men,L-men.A-vai,L-vai and cellnumber,have been chosen for comparison of the de-gree of mallgnancy in different tumors.It was foundthat A-max,L-max,A-vai and L-vai irereased gradu-ally in accordance with tumor malignancy, like a grad-uallyevoiving process of a spectrum.A-men.L-menand N-um also show differences between benign and malignant tumors. Thus, there is practical importancein differential diagniosis of tumors.Demonstrated by the binary tree classifier adn minimum range distin-guishing method to the original pathologic classifica-tion.So the classifide identification of the osteogenic tumors can be accomplished by the computerized imageanalysis.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics