Abstract Motor nerve innervation of the lower leg muscles in23 cases of clubfeet was studied histologically. Of 42musuler specimens obtained, 12 were tibialis anterior,13gastrocnemius,17 peroneal muscles. The patient’s ageaverage 9 months. Abnormalities of nerveinnervation coexisted with re-gressive and regenerative changes were revealed in all ofthe 42 specimens. The regressive nervs axons shewed lo-calized swelling,small,motor end-plate poorly ramifiedand irTegular shapcd. The regeneration process includedcollateral reinneration and end-plate sprouting. WithPremature appearance.The terminal innervation ratio(TIR)was increasedin 13 of 42 specimens. The percentage of abnormal end-plates among the 3 groups of museles showed no statisfit-cal difference(P>0.05). This results suggested that congenital clubfoot is aneurogenic lesion and the atropyh of the muscles of thelower leg in clubfoot is related to the regressive and pre-mature end-plates.when the ech of the blcod-stream expanded toabout 1/2 of the length of the flap,then the flap rotationcould be performed. The authors considered that, Ultra-sonic Doppler may provide valuable huidance in separ-tion dclayed flap rotation.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics