AbstractUsing the arterial perfusion technique,6 fresh hipspecimens from 3 adult cadavers were injected withred-dye ABS and the blood supply of acetabulum wereobserved.The result showed that the blood supply ofacetabulum was derived from the arterial branches ofthe superior and inferior gluteal arteries, the obturato-rial artery, the ascending branches of the lateralfemoral circumflex artery, the acetabular branches ofthe medial femoral circumflex artery and the internalpudendal artery; and all these arteries communicatedeach other to constitute around the acetabulum a vas-cular circle which is the main nutrient resource of theacetabulum.While performing the spherical or rotational ac-etabular osteotomy, one should pay attention to pro-tect the integrity of the arterial circle around acetabu-lum. The plane of the osteotomy should be placed atleast 2 cm above the acetabular ridge,so as to avoiddamaging the arterial arch of the acetabulum.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics