AbstractThe authors designed the operation of lengtheningof the lateral band of the finger for the treatment ofmild and moderate contracture of the intrinsic musclesof the hand,after an anatomical study of 6 cadaverhand specimens。The lateral band was lengthened by'z'plasty and the tense oblique fibers of the extensorhood was divided when the MP joint was kept in ex-tension and the IP joint in flexion。The division wasdone to the extent of allowing normal range motion ofthe IP joint.Nine cases(29 fingers)had been operatedupon with this procedure;a follow-up of l~4 yearsrevealed complete correction of the contracture of theintrinsic muscles in all the 9 cases。Normal range offlexion and extension was attained in 23 fingers。Aflexion lag of l0°~30°was seen in 6 fingers。The ten-dons of the intrinsic muscles can be grouped into theshort tendons which insert at the lateral side of thebase of the proximal phalanx and the long tendonswhich are composed of the lateral band,oblique andtransverse fibers of the extensor hood.Functional dis-turbance caused by contracture of the intrinsic musclsmanifests with limitation of flexion of the IP joint andlimitation of extension of the MP joint.This is the re-sult of the tightening of the long tendon and has no re-lationship with the short tendon。Therefore,lengthen-ing of the long tendon can correct the deformity with-out any negative effect。
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics