灰色关联度分析是灰色理论中的一种分析方法 ,该方法的原理是根据所研究的因子间变化的相似程度来判断关联程度 ,能对品种进行多个性状的综合评价 ,克服了仅根据产量等单一性状评价品种的局限性。本文采用灰色关联度分析法对 1 999- 2 0 0 0年度我所春大豆品比试验参试品种的多个性状综合评价 ,评选出 98- 4 4等多个综合性状优于对照种柳豆 1号的大豆新品系 ,其结果与实际表现一致。
The Relevant Grey Level Analyzing is a sort of analyzing method in the Grey Theory Its principle, based on the similar level of variation between genes studied, is used to judge the relevant level and can also be used to conduct a comprehensive assessment on multi-characters of a variety, thus overcoming the limitation of the assessment on a single character of a variety based on its output The paper presents that the Relevant Grey Level Analyzing method was used to conduct a comprehensive assessment on multi-characters of the comparative trial varieties of Chun soybean produced in Guangxi Maize Research Institute during 1999-2000 As a result, the new varieties of soybeans such as 98-44 etc which comprehensive multi-characters are better than the No 1 Liu soybean, was chosen Its result was inconsistent with its actual performance
Journal of Guangxi Agriculture