
消心痛联合脑垂体后叶素治疗大咯血疗效观察 被引量:3

Observations on the effects of the isosorbide together with pituitrin's curing massive hemoptysis
摘要 目的探讨消心痛联合脑垂体后叶素治疗大咯血的临床疗效。方法121例支扩大咯血病人随机分为消心痛联合脑垂体后叶素组(治疗组)65例和单用脑垂体后叶素组(对照组)56例,比较两组24小时、48小时止血效果和药物不良反应。结果治疗组总有效率95.4%,对照组80.4%,差异有显著性(p<0.05),治疗组较对照组不良反应明显减少。结论消心痛联合脑垂体后叶素治疗大咯血是有效治疗方法。 Objective To assess the treatment effects using isosorbide together with pituitrin in the treatment of curing massive hemoptysis.Methods One hundred twenty-one cases of bronchiectasis with massive hemoptysis were randomly divided into two groups: isosorbide together with pituitrin group (treatmeat group, n=65) and only pituitrin group (contrast group, n=56). The hemostatic effects and adverse reaction of drug in the treatment group were compared with those of the contrast group. Results The total effective rate in the treatment group was 95.4% and it was 80.4% in the contrast group: p<0.05. The adverse reaction decreased significantly in the treatment group compared with that of contrast group.Conclusion It is an effective method using isosorbide together with pituitrin in treating bronchiectasis with massive hemoptysis.
出处 《临床肺科杂志》 2005年第5期617-618,共2页 Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
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