
口腔粘膜白色海绵状斑痣的超微结构观察 被引量:2

The ultrastructure study of white sponge nevus inoral mucoes
摘要 对7例白色海绵状斑痣进行了组织学观察,病变均发生于非角化粘膜,2例有家族史。光镜显示上皮增厚,棘细胞水肿,气球样变,角质颗粒增多,表层不全角化明显增厚。3例电镜观察,基层和上基层细胞内张力细丝聚集成束,中、上棘层细胞内张力细丝均质化,电子致密颗粒贴近细胞膜,经张力细丝与桥粒相连,并出现角化粘膜特有的层板状膜被颗粒(odlandbodies)。结果表明:本病存在异常角化过程,于非角化粘膜处发生了角化粘膜特有的超微结构改变,表层增厚是由于脱落障碍,这与膜被颗粒功能异常有关。 AbstractBiopsies from 7 patients with white sponge nevuswere examined histologicaliy. Two of them had familyhistory. Light microscopic observation reveals that theepithelium was thickened; the spinous cell layers hadenlargd and oedematous cells and ballon-like degenera-tion; the keratohyalin granules were increased in upperspinous cells ; the superficial layers of epithelium exhibit-ed parakeratosis and thickening. 3 specirnens were exa-mined by electron microscopy. The basal and parahasalcells were cylindrical. The cytopiasmic tonofilamentswere aggregated into boundles. It was characteristics ofkeratinized epithelium. In middle and superficial stra-tum spinosum the tonofilaments were homogeneouslydistributed in the cell plasma and the electron-densegranulars were located near the cell boundary and at-tached to desmosomes by tonofilarnents, unhke normalnon-keratinized oral mucosa. Many Odland bodlies witha lamellar structure and irregular in both size and shapewere seen. It is concluded that this leasion have adyskeratinized process. The characteristic features ofkeratinized oral mucosa in non-keratinized mucosa is ap-peared. The thickening of superficial layer is due toshedding disturbance relating to dysfunction of Odlandbodies.
出处 《中华口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第3期148-150,共3页 Chinese Journal of Stomatology
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