Abstract The occurrence of mirror writing in 146 subjects was examined.Among them, 104 were males and 42 females. All subjects were university graduates. Age ranged from 40 to 85 years with an average of 62.7±l3.4. These subjects were divided into two groups, a non-senile group consisting of 60 subjects (41.1%)and a senile group 86 subjects (58-9%). All 146 subjects were examined with 10 items for determination of handedness, mini mental state exam and the written language of Chinese Aphasic Examination Scale (draft)including spontaneous writing, writing from dictation and copying. The above mentioned performances of written language were done by left and right hand. The results of examination revealed that in 146 subjects there were 7 subjects with mirror writing, which occurred only in the senile group, accounting for 8.1%. In the senile group mirror writing was found in one subject of 70-79 years group and 6 subjects of age over 80 years. Mirror writing appeared in the elderly was of mild degree with an average Percentage of 1.9±0.4.The relationship between mirror wrinting, education level and aging was discussed. It is suggested that examination of mirror writing in the elderly may be used to assess the degradation of the brain function in senile subjects.
Chinese Journal of Geriatrics