与细菌学检查做对照,将乳果糖与稀钡同服,测定了10例健康志愿者及21例疑有小肠细菌过度孽生综合征患者的呼气氢含量。以△H_2≥10×10 ̄-6、同时钡剂首段仍在第6组小肠以上为诊断标准,建立了简便无创的诊断小肠细菌过度孽生的方法,其敏感性为71.4%,特异性为88.2%,准确性为80.6%。细菌过度孽生组与非细菌过度孽生组空腹氢分别为(21.5±5.1)×10 ̄-6(n=14)和(17.2±1.5)±10 ̄-6(n=17),其差异有显著性(,P<0.01)。提示空腹氢对诊断小肠细菌过度孽生有一定的临床参考意义。
actulose hydrogen breath test(LHBT ) was evaluated in 21 patients suspected of having small intesti-nal bacterial overgrowth syndrome and 10 healthy volunteers as control.After dietary preparation and a 12-hour fast,subjects received 15g of lactulose mixed with 40%barium sulfate,The purpose of the barium meal was to reveal the position of lactulose in the intestines. End-expiratory samples of breath were taken at 15 minutes intervals at least for 4 hours.Breath hydrogen was measured with gas chromatography.A positive LHBT was defined as increase of hydrogen concentration in the breath more than 10× 10 ̄-6 above the baseIine value before barium reached the sixth group of small intestine. Cultures were considered posi-tive for bacterial overgrowth when anaerobic counts≥10 ̄6 CFU/ml of aspirate. The procedure was carried out under sterile condition. Compared with the bacteriologic cuIture,LHBT has a sensitivity of 71.4%,specificity of 88.2%and accuracy of 80.6%,These results show that the LHBT is a simple, non-invasive and relatively reliable method for diagnosis of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine