times of allogenic splenic cell infusion were performed in 40 cases with severe hemophilia A from July 1986 to December 1990.The serum level of factor Ⅷ:C were increased significantly at 2ed-7th day after infusion in all cases but 2 with an average level of 5~20. 1% and highest, 61.7%,and then decreased slowly after 4~8 weeks. In 9 cases.the second or third infusion were performed with an interval of 15 days to 5 months.The repeated infusion could make the level of factor Ⅷ:C rise again and maintained for 1 to 12 months. Allogenic splenic cell infusion is considered to be a safe. simple and effective new treatment for hemophilia A, and the repeated infusion may remedy the defect of relatively short effect of single infusion.
Chinese Journal of Organ Transplantation